Thursday, June 19, 2014

Gazlowe Beginner Guide and Build! Heroes of the Storm

This will be a beginners guide to understanding Gazlowe and how to use him effectively. 

Gazlowe is a specialist class and is very good at taking down mercinary camps solo, even very early on in the game. He has decent variety in the talent department giving him a few solid builds to work with. His ult can be a lifesaver in team battles or a bane to their buildings. Lets take a closer look at what makes the boss of Ratchet Town so strong.

  • His combat trait is salvager. Salvager causes his turrets and enemy structures to drop scrap whenever they are destroyed. Scrap will regenerate mana and reduce cd's for gazlowe over a short time. You can also activate Salvager to destroy a turret and recieve its scrap manually.
  • Speaking of turrets! His Q gives him the ability to drop a Rock-It turret at target location. Turrets auto target enemies for 30 seconds and can be upgraded via talents in many ways. These are your lifeline since they are very damage effecient since they wont stop fighting and run away. They also work as a visual threat to the enemy team. Very good to place in bushes and use as a ward if needed.
  • His 2nd ability Deth-Lazor creates a slowly charging beam on energy that when released will do burst damage to anything in a line where aimed. This takes quite some time to charge up, and you must remain still to charge it. The beam can become very long and wide allowing you to snipe enemy champions from the safety of your turrets.
  • His 3rd ability Xplodium Charge drops a time bomb at target location which explodes for damage and stuns after 4 seconds. Note: 4 seconds is a long time, this can be hard to time correctly, but is extremely deadly when it connects.
  • His 2 Heroic abilities are Gravo-Bomb and RoboGoblin. Gravo-Bomb is a great teamfight ultimate as it pulls all enemys in to the center of its area, and then explodes. When combined with Xplodium charge this can cause a deadly chain reaction for enemy champions. 
  • RoboGoblin buffs Gazlowe up and increases the damage he does to enemy structures. It also reduces the amount of crowd controlling effects he takes. Personally I prefer Gravo-Bomb.

My Build

The merc killing turret dropping jungle gazlowe!

  • Gazlowe is not the easiest champion to play as he is melee but does not have any real melee abilities. You need to learn to use his abilities to deal your damage, and keep the enemys at bay. This build will focus on gaining control of the ever important mercinary camps, while also aiding in much important team fights. 
  • The first talent to choose is between 2, Either you choose scrap o matic for increased longevity in the field, or break it down, for a more bust heavy approach. I personally choose Break it down as the cooldown reduction works on all your abilities, including your ult.
  • The first few levels you will most likely be team fighting like everyone does. At level 4 you choose minion killer and go on a rampage. The 25% increased damage will help in taking mercinary camps as well as defending frmo any the enemy may create. You should be able to EASILY solo any easy camp as soon as you get this talent and i advise you do so. This helps create early game pressure for your team.
  • By the Time you hit level 7 you have most likely captured the easy mercinay camps and the map objectives might be in full swing with everyone getting distracted. You may think we are going to take Mercenary Lord here but we are not. Instead I prefer to take XL rocket turrets. This allows you to solo hard mercinary camps the moment you have it as well as giving your turrets the ability to mow down groups of enemies and assist more in team fights. You cannot count completly on the mercinaries to do your work for you. This choice gives us a little of both.
  • At level 10 we grab Grav-O-Bomb. This can be the thing that saves you, or turns the tide of a team fight. The ability to move enemy champions is never to be overlooked as you can often create unit collision hell for them causing an easy kill if they are trying to escape. Stack this will the Xplodium charge and you win at life.
  • Level 13 brings us double Xplodium charge. This is a lifesaver when it comes to getting control of an enemy mercinary camp, or even to try to land the grav-o-bomb explodium combo. You simply have 2 stacks much like your turrets. 
  • At level 16 no one will know what hit them, wait yes they will, 4 turrets to the face all with bouncing bullets. The team fights at this point can often be highly mobile, having the ability to hold more turrets and thus drop more in a burst situation is a must. This also allows you to Easily solo the boss minion. 
  • Lets be honest at level 20 you know if you won or lost. If you are loosing you take Resurgence for the extra time on the field, if you are winning you take Mini Black whole just to rub it in the enemys faces.

Thanks for stickin all the way to the end, I hope this build for Gazlowe gives you the edge your team needs to pull out a victory. Make sure to comment below if you have any questions and be sure to check out my youtube and follow me on twitter.


  1. How do you avoid or deal with the mana issues created by not taking Scrap-o-matic?

    1. I am picky about where and when i place my turrets, however i do understand the mana issues you are dealing with. I port back to town often and click the wells near forts whenever i can. It only takes a couple seconds to hearthstone back and refill your mana, way better than ending up dead
