Tuesday, November 18, 2014

T6 HumpBack Assassin RoboCraft Tank

Hey you guys and welcome to the Humpback assassin. This assassin gets its name from the 2 humps on its back. Like the assassins before it, SMG's and Stagered wheels lead the way and pave nothing but destruction for your enemy. Enjoy these action shots and then as always a step by step guide on how to make one of these bad boys for your self in the video at the bottom of the page.

When i say there is no stopping an assassin, i mean no stopping, multiple flyers raining down hell, healers spraying you in the face, Rail gunners on the cliffs, SMGS in the front, plasma flanking from the rear. The assassins keep up that fight!

The thrusters hidden in the back of the humps give this tank an added speed that allows flanking in time that no one would be ready for, the only thing better than a flank, is an uunexpectedone! With this tank you will be mowing down your enemys like you just got a new John Deer and the blade is ohh so sharp!

Make sure to check the Youtube Video Showcasing this Tank at : http://youtu.be/Q3rY3Jlsc74

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