Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Zooing my way through Hearthstone Season 4

Im not sure how you guys started your seasons off, but I went straight back to rank 15 with my zoo deck and hit a wall. I was instantly blocked just as I was in the previous season. Today we are going to talk about how were going to work past it.

Dont Trust the Shifty Rogue!

Now I had heard on the street that the miracle rogue was winning games with flying colors. I had never seen it myself as rogues dont make it out of round 4 against my zoo, but I figured the meta had shifted at my current rank, and what the hell lets give it a go. I will let the Chart tell you how it went.

Yea so about that.... I did practice, and read up on what to do and what not to do, but apparently im just no good at playing Jesus.

Miracle Rogue requires an amount of math that must be beyond me. Sure you can do alot of damage and create amazing combinations that destroy your opponent in never before seen ways. But you have to see all of those plays, and I have a hard enough time getting vancleef over 8/8...
Needless to say the gods were not in our favor with this deck, and all it did was let me feel the pain of rank 16.

Semi Miracle? Whats this mystery?

The Semi-Miracle is something I read about over at LiquidHearth.Com It is a deck very similar to Miracle
Rogue however you replace just a few situational cards for a few solid minions to help maintain board control. What you end up with is quite nice, and I was able to maintain a decent record while playing.
However the stress of figuring out the Miracle portion of the deck is still a bit stressful and will require more practice. For now I am going to focus on a deck with a slightly lower learning scale. I do think I will return to this deck later and try to use it when the meta has shifted in a way that ensure it is more productive for me, and once I get done beating the innkeeper and casuals 20 something times!

Return of the ZOO!

After about 10 minutes of deliberation I decided that as long as I had a positive win ration overall with a deck, then I would still press forward from bonus win stars, damn right the zoo is back, but this time, its gotten upgrades!
We have added a felguard to give us a nice early taunt as well as making sure to capitalize on the Blood Knight whenever possible. Faerie Dragons were added since my early drops were being removed by spells to often, the dragon fixes this, and puts heavy pressure on decks that do not use minions early on or at all (looking at you miracle/handlock).
This current version has let me touch into Rank 14, and I will be using it over the next few days as I practice with some of the other decks I have been hearing about.

Season 4 So far in a Nutshell: Same as last season...

So far we are ranking right on target with how we did last season with the zoo deck, over the weekend I will investigate some other decks to see if one of them is more productive for ladder crawling. Until then we are going to press forward with the Warlock Zoo deck and see if these minor bumps in our road to legendary can be smoothed out.

As you can see we are not the only warlock in the sea. I have also noticed a rise in the paladin count from last season I might know a man who is playing a Healadin deck and it might make an appearance on the Deck list if it pays off for us.
Every mage is playing Frost mage. Each hunter is trap hunter, and shamans are all about their lightning this season. Warlocks could be Zoo or handlock, and Rogue will be a version of Miracle.

Remember that if you enjoyed this blog be sure to favorite it as I will always try to have new weekly content for the great games im playing.
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