Monday, May 26, 2014

The Rise of the Zoo Deck

What up my fellow hearthstone players! I am here to tell you all about the deck I took to rank 10-11 no problem, and hopefully you can do the same in the last 5 days we have left! So get strapped in and here we go!

The Zoo deck is a Warlock deck aimed at early game domination. The deck is weak to board wipes, however if you can do enough damage early on, or survive the wipe you are ensured an easy victory.

The main "trick" is the start, you need to have all 1 mana cards in your hand, a shattered swordsman is a viable card to leave, but you want all your options to stay open. Overwhelming force will be your friend with this deck, early on most classes only have enough mana to play 1 card each turn, and if you play 2 or even 3 cards it can quickly overwhelm your opponent. You will know the tell tale bad plays when people start to feel overwhelmed by your great board control.

The finisher literally is your start, just keep going at his face, and eliminating any taunts or opposition in your way. Just remember to keep putting damage onto his face, as that is how you win in this game anyways!

This is a link to the deck on Hearthpwn, its easier to see that way anyways.

KiollerZoo on HearthPwn

Video Link: Click Here

Kiollers Zoo V1

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